Thursday, October 6, 2011

marketable produce

Although the garden is still small, and growing only slowly, I discovered that I have an amazing diversity of plants, over 50 different types just in my little patch. Diversity is very very good for gardens, and surprise surprise, diversity is also very very good for humanity too, so I am celebrating!
Here are photos of some of the plants I have grown, and some of the produce, all of which are also marketable, i.e. have the potential to bring a financial return. How cool is that, practical as well as beautiful :)

monster zucchini - they grew as long as my forearm! I credit the worm tea.

jade for good luck - many people buy these to have around their home, to enhance positive feng shui.


pretty rosy posies to cheer up the house

thyme and oregano, fabulous on pizza and in tomato sauce

all sorts of new vege plants, just like they sell at the garden centre. Planted with love :)

sweetcorn, sweet as!

poppies for posies

yum! great to look at, and highly nutritious, these salads contain:

lemon balm, mint, baby silverbeet leaves, nasturtium leaves, nasturtium flowers, and borage.

gorgeous glamorous table salads

and takeaways

more pretty posies

the view of the sunset - pretty marketable!



cape gooseberry shell skeleton, very cool

check this out! cape gooseberry shell, shining golden in the sunlight.

peanut sprouts! roll on home-made peanut butter, peanut cookies, nut loaf, peanut salad, peanut oil, ground peanut stuffing........

peanut growing

peanut shells

peanut plant

cape goosberries on the vine, they are the most wonderful tasting berries, sweet and juicy and full of vitamin C.

welcoming house entrance, growing strongly





swan plants, a very important part of NZ planting, to encourage monarch butterflies

swan plant seeds,

flax for weaving, and jade for good luck,

grape vine, just coming back to life after winter dormancy

liquid gold worm juice, the most amazing fertiliser.

happy chicken eggs

and a good solid feed! Scrambled happy chicken eggs, glam good-for-you salad, and home-made bread, made with love. A person can go a long way on a breakfast like that. Thanks big-heaps to my rainbow dancing buddies for the cooking, presentation, and gorgeous photo.

More thyme and oregano,

lemon tree grove,

lemon balm, good for making teas to soothe headaches, nausea, and perk you up generally

curry plant,

lavender, for making scented sachets, incense, and to encourage and feed the bees

and nasturtiums.

borage, for salads to feed and nourish humans, and to encourage and feed the bees.

and finally, rosemary for remembrance. Also good for adding to stuffings, bread, sauces, oil, salads; for serving alongside a good roast; for flea prevention in animals (and any flea-ridden people too I guess!)and the home, and to encourage and feed bees.

happy gardening,
