well there have been many miracles on the road in the last month. There will be a full update, with photos, in the very near future. However, I would just like to thank all family, friends, and supporters, who have made the last month do-able, and I would really like to thank St Jude for so many miracles! Here, for those in need, is his prayer:
"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Be Adored and Glorified, Loved and Preserved,
Throughout the World, Now and Forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for Us,
St Jude, Worker of Miracles,
St Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, Pray for Us"
say this prayer nine times a day, for nine days, and by the ninth day your prayer will be answered. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St Jude!
happy gardening, lou