Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seasons and settings changing!

As we really get into winter, we're setting up and preparing the garden beds for spring. We've still been digging and setting up the planters too! The other night, we had a wonderful full moon party which kept us quite busy during the day! Mari, our domestic goddess got us started and then...Lou and I took over the kitchen...cooking & baking to the sounds of Bob Marley! We then all hung twinkly lights, lit candles and laughed over how much more could we squeeze in! It was an awesome day indeed!

Monday was a super busy day as quite a few tools were donated to us to complete projects. We're very grateful for the donations and we thank you for them!

Monday night had us busy again with Te Reo (Maori Language class) and another jubilant night of music and fun! Needless to say...Tuesday was a very sleepy day for us all!

Photos will come soon of all the coolness so stay tuned people! This week...we got a few things coming up so...keep watching!