This could 'pea' .......
the 'pea'-ginning of something big....
Here's garlic to keep away the vampires
This is not a has-'bean', that's for sure!
bean and pea making friends with sunflowers and radish
sunflower and radish in old plastic container, with holes in lid and bottom - safe planting to protect from slugs and snails
tomato seedlings, which have been indoors all winter, now getting ready for sunshine
pumpkin, just been taken into indoors custody for it's own protection - the snails and slugs have got to every other pumpkin I've planted so far! This one's mine.....
and, finally, beautiful basil sprouting
happy gardening
Lou! This is groovy hon!!! Thank you for loving the bees! I hope to visit again soon. Take care of yourself, the critters and the bees!