Sunday, November 6, 2011

strawberries, sweet peas, and spring

This spring has been bizarre and no mistake, in weather terms, with unseasonable and excessive rain, gusty blustery winds at gale force, and cold cold coooold. However, despite all of this, spring is springing in the garden! Two days ago, in a rare patch of sunshine, I dashed out to check on the strawberries which I planted last year, and which have slowly grown throughout the winter. I have fed them chook poo, and worm tea, and recently they have doubled in size, which was pretty exciting. Imagine my even prettier excitement at finding two berries all pink and red, and ready for eating! I picked them off, gave thanks for their growth and their plant, and enjoyed savouring them, all warm from the sun and bursting with only-just-ripe tart juice.

Sweet peas are climbing madly, I started growing them last year too, and I spotted flowers this morning, dotted with raindrops and glowing quietly amongst all the leaves.

They are so colourful, and blooming lovely, I'm enjoying watching them grow and seeing what happens next.

happy gardening


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